Warehouse - select Goods received notes

Click on the sub-menu ''Goods received notes'' in the Warehouse module

List of Goods received notes  - select adding a new Goods received note

Click on the icon (+) to add a new goods received note.

Adding Goods received note data - page header

Enter data in the header of the Goods received note page. Mandatory fields are marked with (*)

1. Select the Goods received note date

2. Select the Supplier  (if initial stock is entered, then this is your company)

3. Select purchasing price list (if such is used) - helpful when entering prices.

Adding Products to Goods received notes

By clicking on (+) Add product, products will be added to the Goods received note.

In the dialog that opens, add product quantity, purchasing price, and possible discount.

If your company is filing reports to Intrastat, verifying whether the product has all the mandatory data entered - tariff, origin, and weight can be done there. If any data is missing, enter/select it and it will be saved for the product.


Save Goods received note data

Save your entries by clicking on ''Save''; to cancel the entries, click on ''Cancel'' 

Transfer goods received note to Purchasing Invoice (Received invoices by supplier)

If the invoice for received goods was sent by the supplier and it will be added to MetaKocka, click on ''Tools'' and transfer the goods received note to a domestic or foreign purchasing invoice.  

Possibility of importing documents and updating purchasing prices

If not having it previously, activating functionality in Settings/Your Company is needed.

At the bottom of the goods received note, there is the option for importing data from an Excel document and the option for updating purchasing prices.

Purchasing prices are updated on the purchasing price list which is selected in the header of the Goods received note page:

Example of importing file: