1. Purchase - select Suppliers

Click on the sub-menu ''Suppliers'' 

2. Suppliers list- select adding a new Supplier

Click on the icon (+), to add a new supplier.

3. Entering Supplier data - page header

Enter data in the header of the Supplier page. Mandatory fields are marked with (*)


1. If the Supplier is also the customer - mark the ''customer'' field as well 

2. If the Supplier is not a taxpayer - mark the ''non-taxpayer'' field

3. Enter the tax ID number or search for the Supplier from the database of Slovene companies by clicking on ''Find supplier''

4. If one cannot be found in the database, proceed with manual entry

4. Entering Supplier data - address

By clicking on ''+Add address'', the company's address data can be entered

Note: If one company has more than one address, i.e. business units across Slovenia or dislocated warehouses, each address should be entered on its own.

1. Select the address type - Invoice - enter the company headquarters, the address to which the Purchase orders are sent; Delivery of goods - dislocated warehouse, which is not at the company headquarters

2. Enter Street, ZIP Code, City, Country

5. Entering Supplier data - Business data

Click on ''Business info''


1. Enter the payment deadline, contract designation, bank account, and the language used to communicate with the partner

6. Entering Supplier data - Contact data

Click on the ''Contact info'' and add contact data for Supplier.

 Add contact person, phone number, fax, GSM, E-mail address, and website.

7. Save entered data 

Save your entries by clicking on the ''Save'' button; if the entries should be canceled, then click on ''Cancel''