Warehouse - Select Commissions

Click on the sub-menu ''Commissions''

Commission List  - select adding a new Commission

Click on the icon (+) to add a new commission.

Entering commission data - page header

Enter data in the header of the Commission page. Mandatory fields are marked with (*) 

1. Enter the Commission number

2. Enter the Transfer date

3. Select the type - Commission (if goods would be returned from that commission, a return of the original commission will be created)

4. Select the Warehouse - warehouse from which the goods will be transferred to the customer (main warehouse)

5. Select the Customer - receiver of your goods in the commission (when the commission is saved, the warehouse is automatically created and it is named as customer)



Adding products to the Commission

Click on (+) Add product to add products to Commission

Select products and enter the number of products you submitted to commission sales.


Saving Commission data

Save your entries by clicking on ''Save''; to cancel the entries, click on ''Cancel'' 

To issue the return of the remaining stock from the commission warehouse, create a ''commission return''.