Warehouse - Select inter-warehouse

Click on the sub-menu ''Inter-warehouse''

Inter-warehouse transfers list - select adding a new inter-warehouse

Click on the icon (+) to add a new Inter-warehouse

Entering Inter-warehouse data - page header

Enter data in the header of the Inter-warehouse page. Mandatory fields are marked with (*)

1. Select Warehouse 1 (the warehouse from which the goods will be transferred to the other warehouse)

2. Select Warehouse 2 (the receiving warehouse)

Adding products to the Inter-warehouse

By clicking on (+) Add product, new rows will be added for adding products to the inter-warehouse

1. Search for the desired product and select it (if the product has a serial number, it will already be displayed)

Increase the quantity and select serial numbers

If several pieces of the same product are transferred, increase the quantity. If the product has serial numbers, select them please.

Save Inter-warehouse data

Save your entries by clicking on ''Save''; to cancel the entries, click on ''Cancel''

Printing EAN code for Inter-warehouse

When printing the Inter-warehouse, there is an option for printing the EAN code that you may select. EAN code is truly helpful since it enables warehousemen to scan the products upon receiving them.