If the customer or partner has an outstanding debt to a supplier, one is coloured in the distinctive colour when selected, as shown in the picture below. If the partner acts in the role of customer and supplier and has an outstanding debt as the customer, then the partner will be coloured in the distinctive colour only when selected on the sales page. The same applies to the purchasing page. Next to the customer, the debt value will be displayed.

Setting can be activated in "Your company", option "Customer/Supplier" - mark in case of debt.

If the status of overdue debt for a specific partner should be printed and checked, the "List of issued invoices" report can be printed, where the following should be denoted: 

  • Status: unpaid
  • Date: delete both values
  • Payment due date: set "until" to today's date
  • Customer: select partner

The detailed report displaying which invoices fall into such category will open: