1. Settings - Your Company

Click on "Your company" link

2. Pošta Slovenije eSpremnice

To enable the feature, check "Pošta Slovenije eSpremnice."

Check "Pošta Slovenije eSpremnice."

Save the changes in the settings by clicking "Save" at the bottom

3. Sales - Domestic invoices/Foreign invoices, select the value in "Delivery type"

This feature can be used when entering a new invoice.

Select "Domestic invoices"

In the invoice, in the Delivery Type field, select Pošta Slovenije.

Two fields will appear: "Type of Shipment" and "Additional Service for PS."

1. Type of Shipment - select the type of shipment, for example, "Express mail within Slovenia."

Select "Express mail within Slovenia"

2. Additional services of Pošta Slovenije (PS) - you can select an additional service offered by the post office, for example, "SMS notification - SMS."

  1. Click on the plus sign next to "Additional services PS."
  2. Select the service, for example, "SMS notification - SMS."
  3. Click on Close.

4. Generating and printing of a .csv file for the Pošta Slovenije eSpremnice

When you want to create labels or a .csv file, click on Sales/Reports

Click on Reports 

 Select the report Pošta Slovenije - eSpremnice. Choose the date range and print the report

A .csv file will be created, which you can import into Pošta Slovenije eSpremnice to create Labels.


It is essential to have accurate customer information, including the country, and the type of shipment must be selected on the invoice (refer to the image indicating where to update the shipment type on the invoice)