
The report is intended for analysis of supplies in MK and online store. Primarily, we can determine whether any supplies of the products have not been transferred accordingly and what may be the cause of that.

Access and structure

Accessing the report can be done in the following ways:

  • Warehouse -> Report and then select ''Products and supplies of the online stores''
    In this case, you receive a report for all online stores.
  • By selecting 'Compare stock'' on the individual definition of the online store

The first tab is always ''Status'' where some of the basic information and the number of products/errors are written for the individual online store.

In each of the following tabs, there is data for the individual online store.

Status - information

For each online store, a particular set of basic information is printed out. 

Examples :

  • Shopify Online Store 1: 132 products in store. 13 errors. Matching by: MK Code - Store SKU
    The selected store has 132 products in store, however, a certain error has been found among 14 of them - a different stock, not connected, etc. Matching between MK and the online store is configured through MK Code -Store SKU (most usual configuration).

  •  Shopify Online store 1: 132 products in store. 132 errors. 'Warehouse for  synchronization of supplies' is not set
    If a warehouse for synchronization of supplies is not configured, there can be no matching between the supplies themselves.

Online store - information

Information is provided in the following format:

  • "MK *" - product data in MK
  • "Store *" - product data from the online store
  • "MK Stock" / "Online store" - stock printout from MK or online store
  • "Opis napake" - possible description of an error

Data is arranged in such a way that products containing errors are always placed above.

Example of an errorMeaningWhat to do?
Duplicated SKU code
There are more products in the online store that have the same SKU code. Usually, this is the case with product variants. Since the SKU code - MK code matching is the most frequent one, it is not possible to match the products.Assign an SKU code to each product in the online store. Edit data in MetaKocka as well.
Finally, select ''Product synchronization'' in MK.

Different supplies: mk vs. store: 127 vs.128
The stock in MK and the online store is different. With automatic stock refresh, such an event should not happen.
Bear in mind that stock synchronization is performed every couple of minutes, therefore it may come to small stock deviations.
In the beginning, manually mark the stock by clicking on the picture below (and previously select ''Whole stock'')
If deviations are still present, please reach out to our support to determine what is causing the problem.
Different supplies: mk vs. store: 30 vs. (inventory management is turned off)
Inventory management for the product is turned off for the online store (only checked for WooCommerce).Turn on inventory management in the online store.