1. Settings - category
2. Categories - chooce add new category
1. Click on ''add category'' and on the right side add all the categories that you need
2. Enter the name of new category
3. With the click on add to tree, the category will be added on the left side (the tree)
If you are building multilevel tree, than first add on the left side the ''highest level'',
mark it in the left window (position yourself on it) and add a subcategory from the right column of categories. You repeat this until the last level.
4. Save the entry
TIP: If there are a lot of categories that you would like to add, you can also do it with the help of import
3. Add categories to your partner
You can add/change categories to the entered partner (Sales or Purchasing) upon entry or subsequently.
You add categories by clicking on the icon for adding categories (right corner) and selecting values in the tree.