If goods for consignment are received in MetaKocka, create a new warehouse intended for consignment products. We suggest naming the warehouse by the name of the company that provides products for consignment. Instructions for adding new warehouse.
When receiving products, such can be placed into a consignment warehouse by selecting that warehouse on the goods received note. Instructions for adding goods received note.
If products for consignment are already received and are located at your main warehouse, such can be moved to the Inter-warehouse. Instructions for adding inter-warehouse.
When the product is sold from a consignment warehouse, it is important to select a consignment warehouse when creating the invoice.
In the case of returning products to the partner, a Delivery note will be created, on which your partner will be selected as the customer. In this case, a consignment warehouse is selected in order to write off stock for that warehouse.
Enter purchase prices instead of sales ones
Instructions for adding delivery notes