MetaKocka enables invoice numbering up to a total length of 30 characters. Hence, your invoice can have some of the following numbers: ''Store - MK - 1200'' or ''100/2018''. Some accounting programs may impose a limit on the length of numbering or may require numbers only. Via label change, for example invoice label ''Store -'' can be changed with ''T-'' and the final result would be ''T-MK-1200''
The change is made over the invoice labels and count code
Zamjena se izvodi nad oznakama računa i evidencijskim brojem računa (for purchase invoices only).
Example of usage:
- In MetaKocka, the invoice label is ''10/2020'', while for export to the accounting program, the format should be ''200010'' (year 20 is in front for the year 2020). It is followed by the invoice number but with 4 leading zeros). Use the following settings:
- Change in invoice label: /2020
- change with: (leave it empty)
- Prefix: 20
- Number of leading zeros: 5
Enabling settings
Select ''Data exchange'' and then choose the individual export profile