Labels can be printed/displayed in the following sections of the application:

  1. Orders - for shipping and selection of ''Print labels'': if the delivery service has implemented a label printing feature via API interface, then the genuinely generated labels will be prepared for the task.
  2. Orders - for shipping and selection of ''Export'': exporting file (typically CSV or Excel format) for delivery service application.

The label order can be determined in both cases above based on the ''Label order'' settings. The options are the following:

  1. "Without order" - no change in label order. The order will be the same as the one for the orders that are added to MK.
  2. "First product code". The rules are the following:
    • from each order, the first product with the product code is included
    • the product codes are sorted in alphabetical order (descending)
    • if two product codes are the same, the quantity (ascending) will be considered. If the quantity is the same, then the order is not specified. 
  3. "Total quantity". The rules are the following:
    • sum up the quantity of all products from each order
    • sort them by total quantity - ascending
    • example: Order "O1, 2x bottles, 4x glasses", order "O2, 1x container". The order will be the following: O2, O1
    • if the product quantity is the same, then sorting by product codes - ascending applies
    • example: order "O1, 1x car", "O2, 1x frog", "N3, 1x car". The order will be the following: O1, O3, O2
  4. "Order-ID". The rules are the following:
    • adjust based on the order ID, ascending
  5. "Priority 1" - check the description below

Label order: priority 1

The order is adjusted for the packaging process of a particular customer and has the following rules:

  • orders with mixed products have the advantage over the other orders
  • in both cases, the order is based on the quantity of products
  • for the same quantity, the order is established based on the product codes
  • if multiple orders have the same quantity and products, then such orders do not have to be grouped together