1. Add an online store to connections
Woocommerce - instructions for integration
Shopify -instructions for integration
CS Cart -instructions for integration
Shopamine - instructions for integration
PrestaShop - instructions for integration
Magento 2.x - instructions for integration
Magento 1.9 - instructions for integration
Other platforms - use API - instructions for developers
2. Products synchronization
Products must have an SKU code assigned in the online store. Click on ''Sync'' once that is completed.
Once products are transferred, order transfer is set up.
3. Additional settings / Online stores

Select online stores and click on the one that you added
When the new page opens, the Settings for transferring orders from the Online Store to Order Management are shown
- include reservations
- transfer additional order descriptions
- transfer additional product descriptions
- add contact information from the buyer to the recipient
- Transfer status
Payment transfer - Select Adjusted and click on Read payment instruments.
Once the reading procedure is done, the type of payments will be shown in the table, where they need to be modified further.
Click on a row and additional settings will open on the right-hand side.
Select "Processing" and "Completed" for store statuses
For COD - the type of payment must be empty!!
Set the Delivery type and Confirm it.
Continue with settings of the other payment methods (Paypal, Credit cards,...) - payment type should be selected (an order is thus marked as paid)
Save your entries.
4. Transfer of already received orders
Transfer the orders that are already in the online store and you want to transfer and process them
Indicate for how many days in the past orders should be transferred and click on Import orders.
5. OrderManagment users - Configuring Mandrill
(if you are sending updates about delivery or invoices via Mandrill)
Activation procedure of sending via Mandrill
Additional settings / Mandrill email
In the request shown below, verify whether the customer's country is supported, in which sending invoices and notifications about delivery must be configured.
5. Established connection/Interrupted connection

If the connection is green, it is an active/functioning one. If you want to disconnect from one, click on the green icon, which will be immediately converted to the red one, meaning that such a connection is disabled.