When an order is marked as shipped in OM, the online store receives a tracking code and updates the order status. The genuine changes depend on the online store and configuration.

Activation procedure


  • Tracking code - recorded in the order meta_data pod "tracking_number"
  • Tracking URL - recorded in the order meta_data pod "tracking_url"
  • Shipping carrier - recorded in the order meta_data pod "tracking_provider"
  • additionally recorded in the order meta_data pod "date_shipped" when the package was shipped
  • indicates that the package was "completed"


  • Tracking code
  • Tracking URL
  • Shipping carrier
  • indicates that the package was "fulfilled"
  • customer is not notified (by contacting support, this can be activated)


  • Tracking code
  • Tracking URL
  • Shipping carrier
  • indicates that the package is ''sent''

Magento 1 (oba - SOAP in REST)

the following calls are made - "salesOrderShipmentCreate", "salesOrderShipmentAddTrack", "salesOrderAddComment", which configure:

  • Tracking code
  • The tracking URL is recorded in the "comment"
  • Shipping carrier - the same as the name of the connection to the delivery service in MK 
  • indicates that the package is "complete"

Magento 2

  • Tracking code
  • Tracking URL
  • Shipping carrier - the same as the name of the connection to the delivery service in MK 
  • Carrier code - always "custom"


  • Tracking code
  • Tracking URL
  • Shipping carrier is not recorded
  • indicates that the package is ''Shipped"


  • Tracking code
  • The tracking URL is not sent
  • Shipping carrier is not recorded
  • indicates that the package is "Shipped"


A "completeSale" call is made, where the following is configured::

  • Tracking code
  • Shipping carrier - the same as the name of the connection to the delivery service in MK 
  • indicates that the package has been shipped.
  • (tracking URL is not sent)

Amazon MWS

"_POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_" call is made, which configures the following:

  • Tracking code
  • (to find out the delivery service name, contact support to appropriately configure it)
  • (tracking URL is not sent)