The majority of online stores have the possibility of entering address data into several fields (i.e. address_1, address_2, etc.). By default, MetaKocka merge such data into the ''Street'' field, with data being separated by commas. If address_1 and address_2 have "Fast road 10" and "second entrance" as their respective values, in MetaKocka address will be named "Fast road 10, second entrance"

In some cases, due to delivery service requirements, street and house number information should be separated. In the online store, ensuring that the user will enter the street name and house number separately is required. Moreover, that data also has to be mapped into address_1 (street) and address_2 (house number). If the functionality - "Merge address data into one address", is activated, merged data will be separated by space and not a comma (as by default).