
From 30.6.2019 onwards, tax-verified invoices must not have any gaps in numbering. Such can appear if certain invoices were not tax-verified, since there was no request for that (i.e. invoices were paid via bank account). Hence, we are glad to unveil the update to our system, which now enables an additional method of numbering invoices, if such is activated.

Functionality is connected only to the companies that have all of the following configurations selected:

  • Tax-verification of invoices,
  • Also for Wholesale (means that Domestic and Foreign invoices will also be tax-verified)
  • Optional sending to FURS for wholesale. 

If some/none of the configurations from the above list are activated (all invoices are tax-verified, only retail invoices are tax-verified, and so on), there is no change to your business operations.

Change in operations

In the past, for invoices, it was possible to select to not send them to FURS (as shown below). From 30.6.2019 onwards that is not possible to indicate on invoices anymore.

Now, selecting different numbering is needed (which is sent to FURS), as shown below. After recording the invoice, the selected numbering cannot be changed anymore. 

What if the wrong numbering is selected?

If the wrong numbering is selected and the invoice is already saved, that invoice must be canceled and a new invoice must be issued.