The validation overview by countries

Empty values, e-mail address format, phone numberStreetHouse numberZIP CodeCityProvinceHelp with adjusting the address (2)Automatic data correction (3)
Yes (only format)Yes
(not important)

Yes (only format)Yes (only number)
(not important)

ItalyYesYes (1)Yes (1)
Yes (1)
Yes (1)YesYes

Yes (only format)
Yes (only number)

Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

Czech RepublicYes
Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

RomaniaYesYesYesYesYesYesYesZIP code
Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

Yes (only format)Yes (only number)

Other countriesYes
Yes (only format)Yes (only number)


  1. Access to GLS Italy established via an API link
  2. in case of an error, an additional dialog will be displayed, where tips for data correction will be displayed (see the example below "Address - GLS Italy")
  3. before the validation is performed, data will be automatically corrected

Supported types of validation

Empty values

Internal identifier: common_empty_values / ValidationCommon

Countries: all

Validating whether the customer, street, city, or ZIP Code are empty values.

Address - GLS Italy

Internal identifier: gls_italy / ValidationGLSItaly

Countries: Italy

The address is validated for correctness via GLS Italy. If there is an error, it is possible to correct it via the special window, which suggests addresses based on the GLS Italy service.

e-mail format

Internal identifier: email_format / ValidationEMailFormat

Countries: all

Validates whether the e-mail address has the correct format (@ symbol, domain, etc.).

e-mail required

Interna identifier: email_required/ ValidationEMailRequired

Countries: all

Validates whether the e-mail address is provided.

Address - Romania

Internal identifier: address_romania/ ValidationAddressRomania


Validates the Romania address format, including the additional data - such as building signs, etc.

Automatic data correction: the ZIP Code is assigned based on the entered city

Sent data must be correctly recorded beforehand. The support is currently available for:

Phone numbers

Internal identifier: mobile_number / ValidationGSMNumber

Countries: all

Validates the phone number format:

  • network groups
  • country code format
  • length of the phone number

ZIP Code format

Internal identifier: post_number_format / ValidationPostNumbers

Countries: Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain

Validates the ZIP Code format (for instance Slovenia - 4 digits code). However, it does not validate whether such ZIP codes actually exist (except for Slovenia, where this is also validated).

House numbers

Internal identifier: street_number/ ValidationStreetMustHaveNumber

Countries: all

Validates the presence of the house number in the address.