Acquiring an access key
Mimovrste separates suppliers on:
- Local supplier: products are sent to the MV warehouse from where they are sent to the customers. In that case, only connection through EDI standard for collective documents (purchase orders, packing lists, goods received notes, invoices) is possible. MetaKocka does not support such a method.
- Marketplace supplier: MV collects orders and issues invoices. The supplier delivers products to the customer on his/her own. That integration is supported by MetaKocka and enables:
- Transfer of products MK -> Mimovrste
- Transfer of prices and products stock MK -> Mimovrste
- Collecting orders Mimovrste-> MK
To establish a Marketplace supplier, please contact your administrator, so that he/she can forward you the appropriate instructions.
Limitations on entering product data
Main product data
- Bar code: 13 characters at maximum
- MallGroup: Yes / No (whether the item is for Mimovrste or not)
- Stage: draft / live
- VAT: 9,5% or 22%
- priority: A higher number has a higher priority in the list
- price: Main price, including VAT. The price is shown in Mimovrste
- purchase_price: if "price" is not set, this price is used
- rrp: the recommended retail price. In Mimovrste that price is crossed out and ''price'' represents a discounted rrp.
- media : link1;link2,...
- Supported formats: jpg, png, gif
- Picture format: 4:3 or 3:4
- Maximum size: 1,5 MB
- Separated by a semicolon ";"
- promotions: price/date from/date to;...
- Example for 2: 1,6/2020-04-19 00:00:00/2020-06-14 23:59:59;1,5/2025-07-19 00:00:00/2025-11-14 23:59:59
- Dates must always be in the future
- Values are separated by "/", while sets are separated by ";"
- labels: ID/date from/date to;...
- Example: SALE/2020-04-19 00:00:00/2020-06-14 23:59:59
- Dates must always be in the future
- Values are separated by "/", while sets are separated by ";"
- availability_status: A / N (available / not available)
- delivery_delay: number of days of estimated delivery/shipment. 0 = product can be delivered on the same day
- free_delivery: yes/no
- recommended : productID1,productID2,...
- package_size: smallbox / bigbox
- mallbox_allowed : yes/no
- prazna kolona : there must be one empty column before parameters
Values connected to variants:
- variants : productID1,productID2,...
- Specify which products are variants of the selected product
- parent: productID
- Specify to which product the variant belongs
The requirement is always to fill in BOTH values. "variants" in the main product, "parent" in product variant
- variable_params : param1,param2,...
- Those are the parameters according to which the product variants should be differentiated. Parameters have the same name as category parameters. (Example: INPUT,VOLTAGE,THREAD,...)
- Values are entered only for the main product
Variants are made up of a main product and a variant. In Mimovrste, only product variants are displayed.
1. Product is added to Mimovrste = only added product is visible
2. Variant is added to the product = only that product variant is visible (not before the product is added)
3. Variant is added to the product with equal data as for point 1 = both products are visible
Variants use "category_id" from the main product, hence such does not require to be set up. However, category parameters do require setting up.
The following values do not have to be recorded in the main product but only in its variants:
- price, purchase_price, rrp, barkoda, media, promotions, labels, recommended
Mandatory entries
- category_id, stage, vat, id, title (iz MK), short_desc, long_desc, priority, media, availability_status, zaloga (iz MK), package_size
- id, title (from MK), short_desc, long_desc, priority, media, availability_status, zaloga (from MK), package_size
- price, date from, date to
- ID, date from, date to
1. The difference in price on the web page and the new price is greater than 30% when synchronizing products to the website
In that case, first, execute ''Update product's price on the website'' and then ''Synchronize products to the website''
Example of an error:
"errorCodes": [
"message": "Difference between current price (5) and new price (9) for product \"AA-12341234M\" is larger than 30% (64%). To confirm this change, use attached force token.",
"errorCode": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
"errorAttributes": []