If your business sells a large number of items, changing or quickly setting a discount can sometimes be a time-consuming task. If the discounts for the same customer differ depending on the product group and you have a large number of customers, there is a high possibility of errors in addition to time-consuming work.
That's why we've added the option to give the customer a discount using the categories assigned to the items.
You must have previously entered and assigned categories to the articles.
1. Sales/Customers
2. Determining the discount
You choose the partner with whom you want to set discounts. Select the customer you want to manage discounts.
1. Click ''edit''
2. Fill ''agreed discount''
3. In line "Discount (%)",enter in percent %.
4. Click on ''Category'' and select where the discount is applied.
5. Save changes
You can enter any number of discounts in the list.
- the customer discount categories are read in order
- for each row, all values are compared with the information on the item
- if there is a match, then he chooses this discount
- but it searches to the end of the list and the last match is then considered as a discount
Example 1 :
Product ZU-3327 has certain Categories Vid Adria (R2) and ZUBLIN, partner xy has certain discounts on categories:
- Vid Adria (R1) : not included on the item
- Vid Adria (R2): is contained. Takes 45%
- the rest are not included
- ZUBLIN : it is contained. takes 50%
- the rest are not included
50% is taken into account