In MetaKocka, stock synchronization is by default executed every 5 minutes for products whose supplies have been changed. In addition, the prerequisite for successful synchronization is correctly assigned warehouse and prior product synchronization from the online store to MetaKocka.

Specific times or time frames can now be specified, during which automatic stock synchronization with the selected online store will be executed. To configure this, access the individual online store in Additional settings and find ''Synchronize stock only at:''.

As already mentioned, specific times or time frames can be set for stock synchronization. However, times must be rounded to the nearest 5 minutes. Several time frames or individual times can be listed, but all of them need to be separated by a comma.


  • 9:30
  • 17:50
  • 7:00-18:00
  • 4:30,10:30,18:30
  • 18:30-23:00
  • 5:00,18:30-23:00