Registration to the FedEx Dev portal

To use the FedEx delivery service, API keys are required, which can be created in the dev portal. In the FedEx dev portal, log in with your ID, where the organizational project can be created and API keys can be obtained.

If you need any help when creating API keys and transitioning from a development environment to a production one, do not hesitate to contact: 

Before shipping, additional label verification by FedEx is required

MetaKocka - establishing a connection

1. go to Additional settings/Delivery services/New 

2. Select the delivery service FedEx

3. enter data that you received from FedEx 

4. save and test the connection performance 

1. Adding delivery service in Additional Settings:

2. Select the delivery service FedEx and confirm it:

3. Enter the password and username that you received from FedEx. 

Specify the new type of delivery that will be used for delivery service FedEx, you can add new (+)

Select the label format for the thermal printer


4. Save and test: 

Save the entered data and click ''Test'' to check its validity.


  •  Previous registration of API keys in the FedEx dev portal is required 

  • before shipping, label verification by FedEx is needed. They will probably ask you to create a label in the development environment. Once it is created, change the environment to the production one:

  • when shipping to the USA, the province must be denoted with the abbreviation, rather than the full name 

  • Example: California=CA