The purpose of setting variables is to establish dynamic content within templates. This allows us to maintain a minimal number of definitions and organize dynamic content within the settings.

ADVANTAGE:a smaller number of definitions is easier to maintain and manage.

1. In the same market, we have multiple brands, each with its distinct logo. Instead of creating several different definitions that only differ by logo, we insert the logo as a URL into the variables:

In the template, we insert dynamic content in place of where we want the logo to appear: *|LOGOTIP|*. This placeholder will be filled with the image corresponding to each specific brand during the sending process.


2. Different brands also have their own domain. Therefore, the email is sent to the recipient from different addresses. To avoid creating a new definition, we simply record this in the Variables:

In the email definition, we specify this as shown in the image below, where the field will display for the selected brand.