Preparing orders for dispatch

Navigate to Dispatch/Ready to Ship list to find orders that are ready for label printing and packing.

1. Select the company the orders should be prepared for, select the orders, and click on Labels. After clicking on the printer icon (4), the transport order will be created.

2.  Successfully created transport orders can be downloaded by pressing the Download button:

If the order contains any errors, such will be displayed, and in such a case the order will be moved to the Problem section, where it can be edited/fixed

Once the order in "Problem" is fixed, change its status to "Ready to ship":


Once the labels are printed, the Commissioning tab will open:

Products on printed orders can be put on the commissioning list. The ''Send to warehouse'' button means you will create an active commissioning list:

The list of active commissioning is now visible in the mobile warehouse app (

Open the list, select, or scan the products you have prepared, and then confirm the commissioning list

If you try to create a new commissioning list in the Fulfillment app while printing a new batch of labels and the previous one is still active and it is not completed yet, the new list will be created as a draft unless you mark it as send to warehouse:

If there is an existing draft commissioning list with the next batch of labels, you can add products to the existing commissioning list:

The status of the commissioning is also visible in the Fulfillment application where you can change the status, and delete the commissioning list:
DRAFT= the list is visible only to the administrator and it is not visible in the mobile warehouse
ACTIVE= the list is visible in the mobile warehouse application
COMPLETED= the list has been completed


Order packing and dispatching

In the previous step, parcels were created for orders that will now be packed with the mobile scanner. Before continuing, please log in to the Mobile scanner via the following link: 

1.  Ope the ''Dispatch'' tab on the Mobile Scanner:

2. Scan the label and the order will open with the appropriate content that should be added to the package. Scan the products or mark the ones that were already packed, and then press CONFIRM:

After clicking on Confirm, the order is moved to the ''Shipped'' orders section

Also, clients will get information from their client view


Returns/Undelivered/Unclaimed packages that are returned to the hub are scanned with the scanner in the Receiv. - unclaimed parcels tab

A large number of packages can be scanned; once the scanning is completed, click on Confirm Returns. This way, the stock will return to the warehouse:


In the Warehouse section, a stock overview is displayed, which can be searched by selected filters - company, warehouse, SKU 

Product data available in the warehouse:

Expiration date - If the product does have an expiration date, this is shown in the stock display by expiration date

Location - The location of the product in the warehouse

Stock - Physical stock value in the warehouse
Reserved - the number of customer orders including this product that will arrive to fulfillment system

Free stock- indicates how many products are available once all orders including this product are dispatched

The process of taking items into stock

1. The company enters stock to be delivered to its account

If the company creates a pick-up order in its profile,

 you will be able to see it in the scanner 

Among inbound orders you can select the one which arrived into your warehouse:


A dialog opens with the products you need to take over. Products can be scanned or manually confirmed in the quantity you have received. Enter the location if you use it and press confirm.

Once you are done select Create receiving note and products will be visible in the warehouse under the stock section:

2. Direct receiving via receiving notes 

If the stock is taken over directly via receiving note, select Receiving note in scanner 

In the warehouse section, select the company from which you have received the goods and also select the supplier:

Scan the codes, or select them manually and confirm the quantity:

Once you are done, select the Save button and the stock will be visible in the warehouse: