The Fulfillment Application is designed for companies that incorporate fulfillment services.
It provides the following functionalities:
Preparing Orders for Packing and Dispatch
Preparing Picking list to pick stock from Warehouse
Processing Unclaimed Parcels
Warehouse Operations
Billing and preparation of invoices for fulfillment services
- Imports
Fulfillment client accounts
The Fulfillment Application includes a client account for companies ordering fulfillment services. This account captures all online orders from various eCommerce platforms (WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento…) forwarded to fulfillment account, allowing clients to track the order status until final delivery.
in new Order management app
Preparing Orders for Packing and Dispatch
Navigate to the Dispatch/Ready to Ship list to find orders ready for preparing delivery service labels and packing.
Select the company for which the orders need to be processed, choose the desired orders, and click on Labels. Then, click the printer icon to generate parcel labels via API for the selected delivery service.
2. The successfully generated labels can be downloaded by clicking the Download button.
If an order contains errors, error will be displayed, and the order will be moved to the Problem section for adjustments.
Once an order in the Problem section is corrected, change its status to Ready to Ship, and it will be reprocessed for dispatching
Commissioning / Picking lists
Once labels are printed, the Commissioning window will open.
Products belonging to the orders with prepared labels should be added to the commissioning list. If the Send to Warehouse option is checked, the list will be displayed in the mobile scanner:
The active commissioning list will be visible in the Mobile Warehouse App:
The warehouse staff will open the list, collect, scan, and mark the products, then confirm completion.
After new batch of label printing, a new commissioning list is created. If an active list already exists, a new list will be added as a draft and can later be sent to the warehouse as an active list.
If created as a draft, new commissionings can be added to the existing list during subsequent label printing.
Commissioning Statuses:
DRAFT: Not visible in the mobile app or accessible to warehouse staff.
ACTIVE: Visible in the mobile app.
COMPLETED: The warehouse staff has finished the commissioning process.
Delivery service labels created in the previous step, are now ready to be shipped using the Mobile Scanner. Before proceeding, log in via: Mobile Warehouse App
Open the Dispatch tab in the Mobile Scanner.
2. Scan the label, to display the order details. Add the corresponding products to the package by scanning them or marking pre-packed items, then press Confirm.
After confirmation, the order will be moved to the Shipped orders section.
Returns Processing
Returned, undelivered, or unclaimed packages should be scanned under the Receiv. - Unclaimed Parcels tab in the Mobile Scanner.
Multiple packages can be scanned simultaneously.
Once scanning is complete, select Confirm Returns to return the stock to the warehouse.
Warehouse Operations
The Warehouse section provides an overview of stock levels, accessible through various filters such as company, warehouse, and SKU.
Available product data in the warehouse overview:
Expiry Date: If applicable, displayed in order of expiration.
Location: Warehouse location of the product.
Stock: Physical stock count.
Reserved: Quantity allocated to pending customer orders.
Free Stock: Available inventory after fulfilling all current orders.
Receiving Stock in the Warehouse
1. Receiving stock via inbound order
Companies can create inbound orders listing expected products.
These orders appear in the Inbound Orders section of the Mobile Scanner.
Select the inbound order, scan products, confirm quantities, and assign locations.
2. Direct Receiving via Goods Received Notes
Select Gds. Rec. Notes in the Mobile Scanner.
Choose the company and supplier.
Scan or manually select the products and confirm quantities received
Click Save to update warehouse stock.
Created goods received notes are also visible in the application.
Delivery Notes
A Delivery Note records product write-offs due to various reasons (e.g., damaged items).
The created delivery notes are accessible in the Fulfillment Application.
3. Analytics
The Analytics module provides insights into order processing within the Fulfillment Application.
1. Order Summary Graph
Displays all orders added to the fulfillment system within a selected period.
Data is further broken down by individual companies in the fulfillment process.
4. Reports
The Fulfillment Application also includes reports that serve as an overview and calculation basis for users of fulfillment services.
Available reports:
Orders Sent: Contains details of shipped orders and their products within a specific period.
Returns: Provides data on processed returns within a selected timeframe.