Functionality enables automatic order splitting based on the status of the stock. The order is split into two orders, with the first order staying unchanged and being assigned the Split status.

Funckionalnost omogoča avtomatsko delitev naročil glede na stanje zaloge. Naročilo se razdeli na dve naročili, v katerem prvotno naročilo ostane nespremenjeno in se mu dodeli status Razdeljeno naročilo. 

Two new orders are created though; the first one with a satisfactory level of stock for products and the second one with out-of-stock products.1. Settings, activate the functionality in additional settings/Order Management

The following settings are available:

  • status: specifying the status for which the order verifying and splitting will take place
  • Above order amount: only orders exceeding the entered amount in € will be split
  • Verify orders older than (days): only orders older than the entered number of days will be verified
  • Creation time (from-to): defining the hours when the verifying for order splitting will take place
  • Payment method: defining payment methods for which the order verifying will take place

General information:

  • The orders are split once; already split orders are omitted.

  • If the parameter “Creation time (from-to)” is not set, the operation will be activated each hour, otherwise only between the selected ones

  • Only orders newer than 100 days are considered (so if there is a limit in the settings  - ''Verify orders older than 3 days'', then orders from (today-100 days) until (today-3 days) are considered).