Za potpunu integraciju sa GLS Hrvatska potrebno je pribaviti podatke ispod:

  • Korisničko ime
  • Šifru
  • Ugovor / Customer ID


Zbog načina rada GLS Hrvatska, postoje slučajevi u kojima pojedine usluge ne funkcioniraju. Npr. paket koji se plaća pouzećem nije moguće poslati na određene otoke.

Više o tome možete pročitati u donjem stavku.

1. GLS Croatia delivers parcels to 99% of inhabited islands in Croatia via its own network. For the other 1% we are delivering parcels via partner Croatian Post. Those 1% are ZIP codes belonging to Zone 2. in our system. So for those ZIP codes no added services are available to order, including DPV. (list of ZIP codes in Croatian Zone 2.: )

2. Dubrovnik (ZIP code 20000) is NOT in Zone 2. so added services are available, but there is a specific for Dubrovnik (also for all ZIP codes below border crossing with Bosnia and Herzegovina, where we are exiting EU territory, and re-entering EU territory) Croatian Customs require from us information on parcel value and parcel contents. That is why DPV service for ZIP codes below the border MUST be used. (list of zip codes for which DPV fee applies: )