1. Purchase - select Invoices - Domestic (or foreign)

Click on the sub-menu ''Domestic'' if the debit note for the invoice of the domestic supplier will be added

Invoices list - search for the invoice for which the debit note should be created

Search for the invoice for which the debit note should be created

3. Open the invoice - Click on Tools

Click on Tools and select one of the options from the drop-down menu:

- Transfer to Debit note - financial if the debit note will be issued to the supplier for the financial invoice reduction

- Transfer to Debit note - goods if goods will be returned to the supplier, who sold them and the discount will be requested

4. Debit note - financial

After transferring the invoice to the financial debit note, the debit note will be created for the value equal to the invoice one. If a smaller discount is agreed with the supplier, click on the row and correct the amount accordingly.


Debit note - goods

After transferring the invoice to the goods debit note, the debit note will be created for the value equal to the invoice one together with the delivery note. In the header of the debit note page select the appropriate warehouse for which the return will be created.


If some products sold by a supplier, will not be returned, lower the quantity or remove the products, which are not part of the agreed debit note accordingly.

6. Save Debit note data

Save your entries by clicking on the ''Save'' button.

7. Print Debit note

When the debit note is saved, print it by clicking on the ''Print'' button

8. Select the Debit note printout

In the reports list select ''Debit note Purchase'', PDF for printout format on the right-hand side, and click on the ''Print'' button.


1. A new window will open (Empty), which should not be closed until the report is generated.

2. Open the report and print it on your printer.