1. Settings/Your company

Enable - the BAR/EAN code function must first be activated.

Click on Settings/your company

Under additional fields for items, check "Bar codes support" and save the changes.

2. Assigning a BAR/EAN code to the item

You can now assign an EAN code to existing items by searching for it in Sales/Items (or Purchase/Items) and entering the code in the additional field that is available.

Save the entered changes.

For new items, you can enter the BAR/EAN code when adding a new item or during import via an XLS file, simply enter it in the appropriate column.

The BAR/EAN code allows for faster and more accurate data capture from printed documents, various labels, packaging, etc.

To work with the scanner, also enable "Quick Item Selection" in Settings/Your Company (save the selection).

In documents, when adding items, a "Quick Add" link appears, which opens a dialog that allows for quick entry using a scanner. 

Scanners - Requirements

The scanner must be connected to a USB port on the computer where you are logged into MetaKocka. It is recommended that the scanner has a red laser for reliable and fast reading.