It is possible to configure the program in such a way that in the warehouses, the stock of external warehouses is also displayed. 

Example of usage:

  • direct insights into the warehouse of your supplier, which allow you to check whether the products are in stock before ordering them
  • you have multiple MK companies and before transferring the stock, check whether such exists in the warehouse of the other company 

The external warehouse has the following functionalities in MK:

  • displayed the same as regular MK warehouses
  • possible to check the product list and stock
  • the stock displayed for the product from that warehouse
  • not possible to issue material documents (invoice, packing list, inter-warehouse, material consumption for WO, material creation for WO),
  • not possible to conduct inventory
  • not possible to select it as the user's or company's default warehouse
  • not possible to receive the stock value or obtain data on the source of the stock

The external warehouse can represent:

  • the stock in the information system of your supplier, who uses a platform different than MK. In such a case, agreeing on how the supplier will publish the stock is needed (usually via online service, which returns data in JSON/XML format) as well as contacting MK support to prepare the offer for developing data collection.
  • the stock in the warehouse of the other MK company. Such functionality is described below.

External warehouse from other MetaKocka company

If your supplier uses MetaKocka or you have multiple MetaKocka companies, it is possible to set insights into the warehouses of other companies. Our support team activates this setup. Moreover, later in the text, the following terms are used:

  • source warehouse - MK company, which is the owner and manager of stock
  • targeted warehouse - MK company, on which you work and you want to have insights into the warehouse of source MK company. 

Any change in stock at the source company's warehouse triggers a change in stock at the targeted company's warehouse.

In such a way, that changes are immediately available.

The matching of products between the targeted and source warehouses is based on the product code. Therefore, the following should be provided for the register of products.  

  • unique code,
  • all products from the source warehouse must be added as products in the targeted warehouse. If the targeted warehouse contains no products, the product is omitted during synchronization.

When transferring the stock, the following data is transferred:

  • quantity
  • serial number
  • expiry date
  • lot number

The following data is changed:

  • product ID is adjusted since the targeted company typically has its own ID product numbering

The following data is omitted:

  • micro-location
  • group label