Adding a large number of products to the price list could be done by importing the price list. 

Before importing the price lists, they need to be already created in MetaKocka.

The Excel table for Data import is available in Settings/ Data import

Open the transferred table and fill out the following columns :

- product ID  (products must already exist in MetaKocka), otherwise they need to be created or imported beforehand)

- sale price


- sales price list on which prices will be entered together with added products (price list must already exist in MetaKocka - at least the price list header). If it does not exist yet, you can create it - for more instructions click here) - enter the price list ID that is shown in the price list header (picture below)

NOTE:  When importing the price list that is intended for Retail instead of ''Sales price'' enter the value of RP in the column "price_with_tax" and before importing the file indicate that the price list is a gross one.

When the table is filled out, go back to ''Settings''/Data Import, choose the filled-out table, then choose Data Type: ''Price lists - Sales'' and import it.

In the field "Transfer Report," the transfer report will be displayed confirming the import or reporting an error. In case of an error, the respective row of the importing Excel file is shown. Fix the error in the table and retry importing it.