When exchanging data with the accounting department (depending on the software they use), it is necessary to reconcile partner codes before the first data exchange.
The procedure is as it follows:
The accounting department exports data from their accounting software into Excel.
You can then import the codes into Metakocka following these instructions:
1 . Settings/Data import
Select Data Import
2. Importe Table - Partner Code
Under section "a.) Partners," click on "Partners (customers, suppliers) – Partner Code"
An Excel table will be exported where you can enter the data (mandatory columns are highlighted in bold and marked with an asterisk).
3. Import Partner Code into Metakocka
In the Settings/Data Import section, under point 3, import the table with Partners (Customers, Suppliers) – Partner Codes
1. Click "Browse" and select the file for importing partner codes
2. Under "Data Type," select "Partners (Customers, Suppliers) – Partner Codes"
3. Click "Import Data"
The "Transfer Report" field will display a transfer report, and in case of an error, read it and make the necessary corrections. Once you correct the error in the table, save it and repeat the import.
This way, you can reconcile the partner codes in Metakocka with the partner codes in your accounting system.