Adding a new business unit is mandatory when having different business units and issued invoices are tax-verified.

1. Settings/Your company

Click on Settings/Your Company

2. Entering bussiness unit address

In "Your company" add a new address with all the necessary data (street/name...)

Click on add address.

Then, in an additional field enter all the necessary data (Type - Business unit, Street, Town, ZIP Code, and Country)

3. FURS Data

In the ''FURS data'' tab, enter the necessary data.

1. click on FURS data

2. enter the necessary data (Type of business premises - Not movable business premises, Designation of business premises, No. of cat. municipality, No. of building, No. of part of the building, Effective starting date)

4.  Save changes

Save changes by clicking on the ''Save'' icon.

5. Assigning business unit to user

The next step is to assign business units to the users who will be issuing invoices.

Warning: Every individual issuing invoices must have its own user account with the personal tax identification number entered. User selling in certain business units must have correctly denoted business units. 

Business units can be already assigned when entering new users.

Select the user to whom the business unit will be assigned.

Click on Users


Click on Edit to change business unit

1. click on edit

2. assign the business unit to the user in which invoices will be issued

This way, the user will be entered into MetaKocka with his/her own credentials and will be issuing invoices from the business unit that was assigned to him/he

6. Data display in the invoice header

If you are using default invoice printout, in the invoice header, the following will be displayed:

Data is prepared in the following way:

1. Company name

Entry in the company's register. The change can be made by MK support.

2. Address (street, ZIP code, town)

The first address, which is of the type - invoice.

3. BU (business unit)

  • the last address, which is of the type - invoice.
  • if in ''Your company'' - ''Use User and business unit for address and contact'' is turned on, then BU is selected based on the selected business unit (see Rules for determining the selected business unit)

4. VAT Tax ID. 

Determined based on the following criteria with the first relevant criterion being used (from top to bottom)

  • The foreign tax ID number based on the country and the validity of the foreign tax id based on the date of the document. Set up in Additional settings -> Foreign tax ID number
  • company tax number can be changed in history. The selected one will be displayed based on the document date. Configured by MK support.
  • tax number provided during registration. The change can be made by MK support.

5. Registration no.

Provided during registration with the option to change it in Your company. 

6. Phone number

Determined based on the following criteria with the first relevant criterion being used (from top to bottom)

  • if in ''Your company'' - ''Use User and business unit for address and contact'' and  "Publish on document" are turned on, then User is the first one to be determined based on the criteria in ''Rules for determining the selected business unit'' (see below) and only then Phone number that is entered for User is displayed.
  • if in ''Your company'' - ''Use User and business unit for address and contact'' is turned on, then BU is selected based on the Rules for determining the selected business unit). Phone number data is read from that address. 
  • business unit address (see 3. BU). If BU is displayed.
  • company address

7. Fax/E-mail/Website

Determined based on the following criteria with the first relevant criterion being used (from top to bottom)

  • if in ''Your company'' - ''Use User and business unit for address and contact'' is turned on, then BU is selected based on the Rules for determining the selected business unit). Fax/E-mail/Website/ data is read from that address.
  • business unit address (see 3. BU). If BU is displayed.
  • company address

Rules for determining the selected business unit

According to the following criterion (first criterion from top to bottom used from the following ones): 
  • The document has the following configured: ''Document created by'' and MK user being selected on the document.
  • The user who made the last change
  • The user printing the document