Description of operation:

The customersblacklist is the functionality that enables finding potentially questionable customers based on the unclaimed parcels. The condition for a customer to be included in the Blacklist is 2 unclaimed parcels, which are marked with selected statuses in settings. The validation is performed based on the e-mail address or phone number of the customer and recipient.

Example of operation:

Janez Novak has 2 unclaimed parcels. Janez Novak is added to the customers' Blacklist. Janez Novak places a new order selecting COD as his payment method. The new order will automatically obtain Black list status.


Activating functionality:

1. Activate the functionality in Address Editor/Settings:

2. Specify the statuses that should be validated when unclaimed parcels are detected:3. Recording exceptions:

If exceptions, which will not be considered during the validation, should be specified (e-mail address or phone number), enter the values in the field:

Save your settings. A new Blacklist tab will open, where automatically or manually added contacts to the Blacklist can be tracked or imported in bulk with xls document.

Adding customers to Black list:

1. Manual entry:

2. In bulk:

By clicking on Import, the option for importing contacts in bulk to the Blacklist will open. Click on ''Download empty table for import'', enter the requested data, upload the file, and import it. 

3. Deleting contacts:

If a contact should be deleted from the Blacklist, click on:


If a customer should be white-listed, or in other words, the order(s) of a customer who was previously blacklisted, should be processed again, click on IGNORE to enable this. If the customer rejects the package once again, they can still purchase from your online store.

History of Changes

In the History of Changes tab, all orders/contacts which were removed from the customers' blacklist will be displayed

Processing history

Recording orders that were added to the blacklist, recording history