Functionality is available to all Order Management users who would like to automate invoice creation and consequently speed up the workflow. 

Instead of the user clicking on the ''Transfer to invoice'' button and creating the invoice in Order Management, automatics make sure that invoices are created for the orders with ''New'' status assigned, replacing the manual work:

Enable the automatic invoice creation and set the rules in additional settings accordingly

By clicking on EDIT, a dialog will open with configuration options for the automatic issuing of invoices:

1. Countries

Select among the options All (automatics applies to all countries), Selected (automatics applies only to selected countries), Except selected ones (automatics applies to all countries, except the selected ones)

2. Delay in hours and Maximum execution time

Delay in hours represents the time after which the invoice is issued for the order with the NEW status assigned

Maximum execution time in seconds

Example of usage: after 1 hour of NEW status being recorded, the invoices will be issued for the orders that fulfill such a condition. It will take 360 seconds to complete the operation. After 360 seconds, the automatics operation will stop and relaunch later on. The time limit for invoice creation should be set, otherwise, the automatics would operate non-stop, which means that users would not be able to issue the invoice manually since the issuing of invoices can be done only by one person at a time.

3. Limiting the creation time

Limiting the invoice creation time is mandatory. If the limitation is not set, the invoices for that day will not be created. For creation time, enter the hours for each day during which the automatics will be creating invoices. Alternatively, by using the ''ADD NEW'' option, the limitation can be added manually for the specific date.

Example of usage:

  • Limiting the invoice creation time between 15-7, since automatics should not be working during the company's business hours. In this case, the automatics will be preparing invoices outside of the company's business hours, including the night time too, so that such can be prepared for the next morning.
  • Add the exception on the day when the inventory is conducted, since automatics should not be working during such an operation as it would have an impact on the incorrect stock level. 

4. Parcel limit

Due to potential transport and warehouse capacity limitations or any other restriction, the number of invoices that should be created can be set.

To ensure correct numbering, the cut-off time and statuses should be entered, for which the packages should be considered before and after the entered cut-off time.

Example of usage:

  • The company is using partial shipping, therefore, on the same day orders are prepared multiple times for the same country/delivery service. This means that the cut-off time should be set to i.e. 7:00 AM which would be the start time of work in the warehouse, while statuses should be also indicated for which the automatics should check/count the orders before and after the cut-off time. Before the cut-off time, automatics should count only the orders with Ready to ship (invoices issued) status, while after the cut-off time, it should check the orders with Ready to ship and Shipped statuses since some of them are already marked as shipped, but, the transport capacities (256 packages) are not fulfilled yet. This means that automatics will issue the invoices for GLS SLO for only 256 orders.
  • Cut-off time does not apply if partial shipping is not used but in case of transport capacity limitation, statuses used by MetaKocka to count the orders should be set anyway:

The number of invoices can be limited to the delivery service by a maximum number of packages or maximum weight. This means that MetaKocka will create invoices until it reaches one or the other limit.

Results and the process of generating invoices can be tracked in: