In the First steps in MetaKocka guidelines, you will find instructions for entering data about your company

1. The First steps in MetaKocka guidelines

Then, establish a connection between your online store and MetaKocka

 2. Establishing a connection between the online store and MetaKocka

Upon establishing a connection with the online store, complete the settings of the online store in MetaKocka

3. Editing the settings of the online store


       Additional Settings / Online Store / Settings

4. Setting up Fiscal cash register (FURS verification)

If you are a user of the Order Management module, you can find instructions for enabling and use at the link

5. Process of enabling Order Management module

You will find the instructions on how to connect the chosen delivery service with MetaKocka at the link

6. Integration with delivery service (Order management module)

To MetaKocka import data that you need for business.

7. Data import